Wednesday, January 27, 2016

You Can Always Count on Garbage like this at Lent

Not that seeing this kind of salacious rubbish appearing in the secular (liberal) media surprises me, but for anyone who is really searching for the truth  should turn to reputable catholic media such as EWTN for reliable information.

People who have actually seen and spoken to the Pope in recent months have noticed a serious decline in his health. He has lost a lot of weight, and is said to be losing sight in one eye. His resignation  had nothing to do with the speculation, lies and innuendo being put forward in the Lamestream media.

To suggest that a man of the character of Joseph Ratzinger would shrink away from dealing with a scandal is to call him the meanest, most selfish coward of all papal history.  When I hear someone has said or done something that sounds out of character for them, it probably is, and I give them the benefit of the doubt. Pope Benedict would lay down his life for the Church that Christ Himself established.
The fact is that he has done the most unselfish thing he possibly could, and that is to step aside so a successor much stronger physically than he can take over and guide the Church through the period of persecution that is almost upon us. He wants that change to occur quickly and smoothly while his large shadow cast by his presence is still there.

Fortunately many Catholics, and non-Catholics too are tuning in to Catholic radio , many for the first time in order to get real serious and honest  coverage of this historic period, instead of the yellow tabloid journalism being offered by the secular media, both liberal and to a lesser extent, such conservative sources as exist. That old story about Benedict XVI calling for a global governing authority reared its ugly head again, this time in the conservative Washington Examiner. While it is generally acknowledged that the left wing media is generally atheistic, the fact is, that the 'conservative media' in large part is protestant, so there is an axe to grind there.
Some of the misinformation out there is malicious, with intent to hurt, some of it is said by people who quite simply, have no idea how the church works, or what they are talking about.

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