Wednesday, December 9, 2020

"Ihre Papieren , Bitte!"

"Your papers , please!" was a familiar phrase to germans and those living under Nazi occupation in the '30's and '40's. According to the ONtario Health Minister Chriostine Elliot, it is command we will soon be hearing here....Only instead of being barked out by a uniformed officer, it will be by the same officious 17 year old standing at the store entrance wearing a face shield and armed with a spray bottle of hand sanitizer and thermometer. Christine Elliot has just announced that the Government of Ontario will be issuing "Proof of Vaccination" cards. In so doing she also "reassured" us that "Vaccination will not be mandatory" , however, those who refuse to be vaccinated may find themselves restricted in their activities, such as travel, and going to the theatre.
This is typical of the behaviour of many of our governments. Instead of issuing edicts themselves, and owning them, they are fobbing it off to Public health agencies, and private enterprise to take the blame.
It will probably end up being even more sinister. Initially , the proof of vaccination will likely be a chip card , much like the one we use for banking and debit payments, or, they will offer the convenience of downloading a COVID App, which will have a scan code that will have your vaccination information and test results, etc encoded there. Soon without one of these it is likely you will not be able to enter a place of business..... or even keep your job, since access to the building will be restricted to those who have been vaccinated.Welcome to the "Brave" New World.
This begs the question: Is this the "Mark of the Beast" System that the Scriptures warn about? It is certainly a step in that direction. Once people have complied with this, more resistance will have been broken down, and eventually they will come out with a new app, that offers us the "convenience" of having all our information... our health records, our financials, everything all in one place!!!! Out with cash, and in with the simplicity, convenience and SECURITY of a cashless society!!!
The final step will be implantation of some kind of techniology that will allow us to have everything with us at all times, so you dont need to worry if you lose your phone or wallet. That will be the Mark of the Beast. It will require a pledge of allegiance to the One World Government that will be in place by then, and to its leader. This scenario is what is outlined in Revelation 13-16-18: Scripture also warns that the decision to take the Mark of the Beast is fatal from an eternal standpoint. Revelation 14:9-11
and if you call within the next 10 minutes we will throw THIS in at no extra charge!! Revelation 16:2 But wait! There's more!!!! and it isnt good. then comes the fine print and disclaimers you always see at the end of adverts. You agree that by using these services, you gain access to buildings, businesses, doctors' offices, Transit, voting etc, but in so doing you hold harmless and indemnify all of the above, and agree that they may access your information for evaluation purposes, and may share (sell) your information with Third Parties as they see fit..
The information will also be used to compile a social credit score. We are already tyrannized by regular credit scores, which allow companies to make decisions about you based on creditworthiness which is established by 2 or three companies, depending on where you live, who know everything about your financial life. In China they have taken it a step further, and they incorporate other information they have on you which determine whether you are a good or bad person, and your freedom to live and trade is defined by your "social credit score" . And POLITICS plays a huge role in establishing this. What can it entail? Certain establishments may deny you admission if your social credit score is too low.
Sadly, though, most people will accept all of this with relatively little in the way of protest. There will even be some who will DEMAND such a system. There are always those who value the trains running on time , more than privacy or liberty.
Welcome to hell..... or at least the closest you can get to hell on earth. As Ben Franklin is attributed to saying "Whever would exchange freedom for security shall have neither.
So what is the timetable for all this? The way I see it, and it is my opinion only, the vax cards are only a matter of weeks or a couple of months away. I also believe that if the Democratic presidential ticket does end up taking office in January, at some point in the new year, they will order a national lockdown, and all other western countries will follow suit. A few weeks later once we "flatten the curve" or whatever excuse they are using by then, we will emerge as a "Global Community" with open borders , which implies that a supranational government of some sort will be in place, and the new cashless society will be introduced. I do not believe the implanted technology will be in place initially, they need to complete the process of boiling the frogs. That will probably take a year or two.... But I could be wrong. Haven't things been moving much faster than any of us would have predicted?
We must be ready spiritually for what is coming our way, faster than a speeding bullet, as it were. Only Jesus Christ, through the power of the Holy Spirit will give us the strength and discernment we will need to face the times that lie dead ahead.
Eventually refusal to comply may cost many of us our lives. When you can't buy or sell, starvation throuh marginalization becomes a possibility. You will also face the hostility of others who will view you as a selfish "superspreader, a rogue who does not care about the good of society. Don't believe me? How many people are turning in neighbours for violating COVID rules? Ever been scolded by a random stranger when your mask has a "wardrobe malfunction?
You must receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour to get through this time. There is no way out. There is only a way through. and Without Jesus Christ you won't make it through.
First, dying without settling the Jesus question results in a one way ticket to Hell. Imagine dying while resiting earthly tyranny only to find yourself in an even worse place. No God does not "send" people to Hell. They choose it for themselves by rejecting Jesus as their Saviour. The old line from the song "Free Will" from Rush rings true: " If you choose not to decide , you still have made a choice" . Here is why you need Jesus and how to get Him in your Life. Without Him you will not be able to stand in the times ahead, and if you end up as a casualty , without Him, there is no hope afterward.
Have a nice day....
Now, I believe that we have been put here for a time such as this. God knew this from eternity past, that you would be here at this time and has a purpose for you and He wants you in your kingdom. But He is a gentleman and would never force anyone in. He wants you to come of your own free will.
Whether we like it or not we are now in a time where we will be the 29th Chapter of Acts. It is our turn to do great deeds in His power , In His name, for His glory. And-SPOILER ALERT!- if you skip forward to the book of Revelation, we win.

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