This morning, the Gospel reading was from John 21 , where Peter and the other apostles were out on the water and had been fishing all night and caught nothing. Then a voice called to them from shore and told them to try and cast the net out the other side of the boat whereupon the nets were filled to near the breaking point, and then Peter recognized Jesus and went ashore.
Jesus was sitting by a charcoal fire he had made and was cooking up some fish for Breakfast. Jesus then sat down and started sharing the fish with them .He then asked Peter three times if he loved Him, and when Peter replied affirmatively Jesus told Peter "Feed my sheep".
This is a remarkable story of redemption and restored friendship, and it was all done over breakfast.
Jesus chose breakfast as the time to restore Peter, since it is the beginning of a new day, and it is also the least formal meal of the day. It was a quiet, friendly time of renewal, and a time when Peter was given his mission.
Since the day I became a Christian, I have had breakfast with Jesus every day . There is no better way to start a day than to rise at the crack of dawn, spend some time in prayer, and then pour out some coffee and hear from Jesus Himself in the Bible. So for us too, the morning is a time when we can renew our friendship with Jesus, fresh every day, spend some quiet, informal time with Him, getting to know him through prayer and the Word.
And more often than not you find that, if you listen carefully, he will restore you, and give you your mission for the day, and beyond.